CCM Family Dinner
Because CCM is your family away from your family… we too gather for Sunday Dinner as a ‘family’. Every Sunday after the 5:30pm Mass we gather for dinner and fellowship.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Are you interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith?
Every Thursday evening at 8:15pm at the Dominic Savio House
Thursday Supper Social and Speaker
Join us for Mass, followed by a meal and a talk on how to better live out the Catholic faith
Every Thursday. Mass at 4:30pm, meal and talk at 5:00pm.
Discernment Groups
Gather with other men and women to learn about and discuss how to discern your vocation as well as tip for the spiritual life.
Click below for the schedule. Both meet from 6pm-7pm in the student lounge at the Dominic Savio House and follow with pizza on the ministry at Primavera.